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420 Kemper Rd., Danville, VA & Vacant Lot
3) 420 Kemper Rd. and vacant lot
420 Kemper Road, Danville, Virginia 24541
PIN Nos. 23797 and 23798
In execution of a credit line deed of trust dated March 4, 2010 (the “Deed of Trust”), recorded in the Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Danville, Virginia, as Instrument No. 10-581, the undersigned substitute Trustees, any or all of whom may act, will offer for sale at the James F. Ingram Justice Center, 401 Patton Street, Danville, Virginia 24543, on December 2, 2020, at 10:00 o’clock a.m., property located at or near 420 Kemper Road, City of Danville, Virginia, which property is more particularly described as follows:
All of those certain lots or parcels of land, together with improvements thereon and appurtenances thereunto belonging, situate in the City of Danville, Virginia, and more particularly described as follows:
Parcel No. 1 - BEGINNING at an iron in the northern margin of Kemper Road, which iron is situate 140 feet east of the intersection of the northern margin of Kemper Road with the eastern margin of Sydnor Street, as shown on the hereinafter described map; thence N. 2° 00' E. 150 feet to an iron in the southern margin of a 15-foot alley; thence S. 88° 00' E. 50 feet to an iron; thence S. 2° 00' W. 150 feet along a hedge and fence line to an iron in the northern margin of Kemper Road; thence along said Kemper Road, N. 88° 00' W. 50 feet to the point of beginning; this being, in fact, the western 40 feet of Lot No. 12, and the eastern 10 feet of Lot No. 14, as shown on Map Showing Survey of Lots for Douglas L. Motley, made by H. S. Peirce, August 31, 1973, recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Danville, Virginia in Map Book 9, at page 12;
TOGETHER WITH all right, title and interest in and to that fifteen foot alley between Southampton Avenue and Sydnor Street vacated by the City of Danville by Ordinance No. 85-10.1, dated October 1, 1985, recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Danville, Virginia in Deed Book 716, at page 311.
Parcel No. 2 - (A) Lot No. 14, Block 25, fronting 40 feet on the northern side of Kemper Road (formerly College Avenue) and running back therefrom between parallel lines a distance of 150 feet, as shown on Survey of Lots for Douglas L. Motley, made by H. S. Peirce, dated August 31, 1973, recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Danville, Virginia in Map Book 9, at page 12.
(B) BEGINNING at an iron located in the northwestern corner of Parcel No. 2(A), described above, thence N. 2° 00' E. 7.50 feet to a point in the middle of the former 15-foot alley, as shown on the aforesaid map; thence S. 88° 00 ' E. 40 feet to a point located 7.50 feet from the northeastern corner of Parcel No. 2(A) above; thence S. 2° 00' E. 7.50 feet to the northwestern corner of Parcel No. 2(A) above; thence N. 88° 00' W. 40 feet to the point and place of beginning.
This sale is subject to all liens, easements, restrictions, conditions, and reservations of record affecting the title to the property hereinabove described, to the extent any of them have priority over the lien of the Deed of Trust.
1. AUCTION: Substitute Trustee has employed an auction company. The successful bidder will be required to execute a Memorandum of Trustee’s Sale outlining additional terms of sale and settlement that will be available for review prior to the announcement of sale. Settlement within thirty (30) days of sale.
2. DEPOSIT: A bidder’s deposit of ten percent (10%) of the successful bid in certified funds (cashier's or certified check) required.
3. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Announcements made on day of sale take precedence over all prior communications, both verbal and written, concerning the sale or the property.
4. BUYER’S PREMIUM: A 10% buyer’s premium will be in effect on day of sale that is added to the high bid amount to determine the contract sales price.
5. “AS-IS”, “WHERE-IS”: The property is being sold “AS-IS”, “WHERE-IS”. Potential buyers must perform such independent investigations with respect to the property as they deem necessary.
6. ADVERTISEMENTS: All information provided by Auction Company and Substitute Trustee is deemed reliable but is not warranted. Information contained in the brochure and any advertisements by Auction Company are subject to verification by all parties relying on it. No liability for its accuracy, error or omission is assumed by Auction Company or Substitute Trustee.
7. REPRESENTATION: Auction Company and its representatives represent the party foreclosing on the property.
8. BID INCREMENTS: Auctioneer reserves the right to set bid increments and to establish the bid sequences for the order of the sale and/or to change both. Lienholders reserve the right to bid at the sale.
Bryson J. Hunter, F. B. Webster Day and Peter M. Pearl, Substitute Trustees
For Information Contact:
Bryson J. Hunter
Spilman Thomas & Battle, PLLC
P.O. Box 90
Roanoke, Virginia 24002
540-512-1800 Telephone

806 Kemper Rd., Danville, VA
4) 806 Kemper Rd.
806 Kemper Road, Danville, Virginia 24541
PIN No. 24314
In execution of a credit line deed of trust dated July 12, 2013 (the “Deed of Trust”), recorded in the Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Danville, Virginia, as Instrument No. 13-2844, the undersigned substitute Trustees, any or all of whom may act, will offer for sale at the James F. Ingram Justice Center, 401 Patton Street, Danville, Virginia 24543, on December 2, 2020, at 10:00 o’clock a.m., property located at or near 806 Kemper Road, City of Danville, Virginia, which property is more particularly described as follows:
All of that certain lot or parcel of land, together with improvements thereon and appurtenances thereunto belonging, situate in the City of Danville, Virginia, and more particularly described as follows:
Fronting 47 feet on the northern side of Kemper Road and running back therefrom between parallel lines 157.5 feet to a rear of 47 feet, designated as Lot No. 5 on map of R. A. Eames Estate, made by H. S. Peirce, October 14, 1938, recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Danville, Virginia, in Deed Book 175, at page 230.
This sale is subject to all liens, easements, restrictions, conditions, and reservations of record affecting the title to the property hereinabove described, to the extent any of them have priority over the lien of the Deed of Trust.
1. AUCTION: Substitute Trustee has employed an auction company. The successful bidder will be required to execute a Memorandum of Trustee’s Sale outlining additional terms of sale and settlement that will be available for review prior to the announcement of sale. Settlement within thirty (30) days of sale.
2. DEPOSIT: A bidder’s deposit of ten percent (10%) of the successful bid in certified funds (cashier's or certified check) required.
3. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Announcements made on day of sale take precedence over all prior communications, both verbal and written, concerning the sale or the property.
4. BUYER’S PREMIUM: A 10% buyer’s premium will be in effect on day of sale that is added to the high bid amount to determine the contract sales price.
5. “AS-IS”, “WHERE-IS”: The property is being sold “AS-IS”, “WHERE-IS”. Potential buyers must perform such independent investigations with respect to the property as they deem necessary.
6. ADVERTISEMENTS: All information provided by Auction Company and Substitute Trustee is deemed reliable but is not warranted. Information contained in the brochure and any advertisements by Auction Company are subject to verification by all parties relying on it. No liability for its accuracy, error or omission is assumed by Auction Company or Substitute Trustee.
7. REPRESENTATION: Auction Company and its representatives represent the party foreclosing on the property.
8. BID INCREMENTS: Auctioneer reserves the right to set bid increments and to establish the bid sequences for the order of the sale and/or to change both. Lienholders reserve the right to bid at the sale.
Bryson J. Hunter, F. B. Webster Day and Peter M. Pearl, Substitute Trustees
For Information Contact:
Bryson J. Hunter
Spilman Thomas & Battle, PLLC
P.O. Box 90
Roanoke, Virginia 24002
540-512-1800 Telephone

8 Albert St., Danville, VA
5) 8 Albert St.
8 Albert Street, Danville, Virginia 24541
PIN No. 25047
In execution of a credit line deed of trust dated October 4, 2007 (the “Deed of Trust”), recorded in the Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Danville, Virginia, as Instrument No. 07-4806, the undersigned substitute Trustees, any or all of whom may act, will offer for sale at the James F. Ingram Justice Center, 401 Patton Street, Danville, Virginia 24543, on December 2, 2020, at 10:00 o’clock a.m., property located at or near 8 Albert Street, City of Danville, Virginia, which property is more particularly described as follows:
LOT NO. 43, fronting 40 feet on the northwestern margin of Albert Street, as shown on Map Showing Survey of Lots for Louise P. Surles, dated Nov. 26, 1946, made by H. S. Peirce, Surveyor, recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Danville, Virginia (the "Clerk's Office"), in Deed Book 603, at page 19.
This sale is subject to all liens, easements, restrictions, conditions, and reservations of record affecting the title to the property hereinabove described, to the extent any of them have priority over the lien of the Deed of Trust.
1. AUCTION: Substitute Trustee has employed an auction company. The successful bidder will be required to execute a Memorandum of Trustee’s Sale outlining additional terms of sale and settlement that will be available for review prior to the announcement of sale. Settlement within thirty (30) days of sale.
2. DEPOSIT: A bidder’s deposit of ten percent (10%) of the successful bid in certified funds (cashier's or certified check) required.
3. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Announcements made on day of sale take precedence over all prior communications, both verbal and written, concerning the sale or the property.
4. BUYER’S PREMIUM: A 10% buyer’s premium will be in effect on day of sale that is added to the high bid amount to determine the contract sales price.
5. “AS-IS”, “WHERE-IS”: The property is being sold “AS-IS”, “WHERE-IS”. Potential buyers must perform such independent investigations with respect to the property as they deem necessary.
6. ADVERTISEMENTS: All information provided by Auction Company and Substitute Trustee is deemed reliable but is not warranted. Information contained in the brochure and any advertisements by Auction Company are subject to verification by all parties relying on it. No liability for its accuracy, error or omission is assumed by Auction Company or Substitute Trustee.
7. REPRESENTATION: Auction Company and its representatives represent the party foreclosing on the property.
8. BID INCREMENTS: Auctioneer reserves the right to set bid increments and to establish the bid sequences for the order of the sale and/or to change both. Lienholders reserve the right to bid at the sale.
Bryson J. Hunter, F. B. Webster Day and Peter M. Pearl, Substitute Trustees
For Information Contact:
Bryson J. Hunter
Spilman Thomas & Battle, PLLC
P.O. Box 90
Roanoke, Virginia 24002
540-512-1800 Telephone

1512 Myrtle Ave. - SELLING AT 11:00am
6) 1512 Myrtle Ave. - SELLING AT 11:00am
1512 Myrtle Avenue, Danville, Virginia 24541
Parcel Identification/Tax Map No. 03669
In execution of a credit line deed of trust dated July 7, 2000 (the “Deed of Trust”), recorded in the Office of the Circuit Court for the City of Danville, Virginia, as Instrument No. 00-3243, the undersigned substitute Trustees, any or all of whom may act, will offer for sale at the James F. Ingram Justice Center, 401 Patton Street, Danville, Virginia 24543, on December 2, 2020, at 11:00 o’clock a.m., property located at or near 1512 Myrtle Avenue, Danville, Virginia, which property is more particularly described as follows:
Fronting 75 feet on the eastern side of Myrtle Avenue, and running back therefrom 150 feet on the south and 150 feet along the southern side of Dean Street on the north, to a rear line of 75 feet. BEING, IN FACT, Lots Nos. A and B, as shown on a map of lots made for Lucy O. Rowe, dated April 25, 1956, made by H. S. Peirce, Surveyor, and of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Danville, Virginia, in Deed Book 303, at page 367.
This sale is subject to all liens, easements, restrictions, conditions, and reservations of record affecting the title to the property hereinabove described, to the extent any of them have priority over the lien of the Deed of Trust.
1. AUCTION: Substitute Trustee has employed an auction company. The successful bidder will be required to execute a Memorandum of Trustee’s Sale outlining additional terms of sale and settlement that will be available for review prior to the announcement of sale. Settlement within thirty (30) days of sale.
2. DEPOSIT: A bidder’s deposit of ten percent (10%) of the successful bid in certified funds (cashier's or certified check) required.
3. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Announcements made on day of sale take precedence over all prior communications, both verbal and written, concerning the sale or the property.
4. BUYER’S PREMIUM: A 10% buyer’s premium will be in effect on day of sale that is added to the high bid amount to determine the contract sales price.
5. “AS-IS”, “WHERE-IS”: The property is being sold “AS-IS”, “WHERE-IS”. Potential buyers must perform such independent investigations with respect to the property as they deem necessary.
6. ADVERTISEMENTS: All information provided by Auction Company and Substitute Trustee is deemed reliable but is not warranted. Information contained in the brochure and any advertisements by Auction Company are subject to verification by all parties relying on it. No liability for its accuracy, error or omission is assumed by Auction Company or Substitute Trustee.
7. REPRESENTATION: Auction Company and its representatives represent the party foreclosing on the property.
8. BID INCREMENTS: Auctioneer reserves the right to set bid increments and to establish the bid sequences for the order of the sale and/or to change both. Lienholders reserve the right to bid at the sale.
Bryson J. Hunter, F. B. Webster Day and Peter M. Pearl, Substitute Trustees
For Information Contact:
Bryson J. Hunter
Spilman Thomas & Battle, PLLC
P.O. Box 90
Roanoke, Virginia 24002
540-512-1800 Telephone

202 Gilda Drive, Mount Airy, NC
202 Gilda Drive, Mount Airy, NC
2 Bedrooms, 1 Bath
Split Foyer
Attached Garage
Nice Neighborhood
Tax Parcel # 594918411364

1200 Wards Ferry Rd., Lynchburg, VA
1200 Wards Ferry Rd.
1200 Wards Ferry Road, Lynchburg, Virginia 24502
In execution of a credit line deed of trust dated July 11, 2018 (the “Deed of Trust”), recorded in the Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Lynchburg, Virginia, as Instrument No. 180004374, the undersigned Substitute Trustees, any or all of whom may act, will offer for sale at Lynchburg City Courthouse, 900 Court Street, Lynchburg, Virginia 24504, on March 2, 2021, at 10:00 o’clock a.m., properties located at or near 8108 Timberlake Road, #137, 2602 Confederate Avenue, 1200 Wards Ferry Road, and 1408 Ramsgate Lane, Lynchburg, Virginia, which properties are more particularly described as follows:
PARCEL FOUR: 256-07-010 (1200 Wards Ferry Road)
That certain lot or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in that portion of the City of Lynchburg, Virginia which was annexed from Campbell County, Virginia, on January 1, 1976, being Lot 12, as shown on Map of Section 3, Vista Acres Subdivision, surveyed October 29, 1957, by C.H. Kirkland, Campbell County Surveyor, a copy of which is recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Campbell County Circuit Court in Plat Book 15, at page 1.
This sale is subject to all liens, easements, restrictions, conditions, and reservations of record affecting the title to the property hereinabove described, to the extent any of them have priority over the lien of the Deed of Trust.
1. AUCTION: Substitute Trustee has employed an auction company. The successful bidder will be required to execute a Memorandum of Trustee’s Sale outlining additional terms of sale and settlement that will be available for review prior to the announcement of sale. Settlement within thirty (30) days of sale.
2. DEPOSIT: A bidder’s deposit of ten percent (10%) of the successful bid in certified funds (cashier's or certified check) required.
3. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Announcements made on day of sale take precedence over all prior communications, both verbal and written, concerning the sale or the property.
4. BUYER’S PREMIUM: A 10% buyer’s premium will be in effect on day of sale that is added to the high bid amount to determine the contract sales price.
5. “AS-IS”, “WHERE-IS”: The property is being sold “AS-IS”, “WHERE-IS”. Potential buyers must perform such independent investigations with respect to the property as they deem necessary.
6. ADVERTISEMENTS: All information provided by auction company and Substitute Trustee is deemed reliable but is not warranted. Information contained in the brochure and any advertisements by auction company are subject to verification by all parties relying on it. No liability for its accuracy, error or omission is assumed by auction company or Substitute Trustee.
7. REPRESENTATION: Auction company and its representatives represent the party foreclosing on the property.
8. BID INCREMENTS: Auction company reserves the right to set bid increments and to establish the bid sequences for the order of the sale and/or to change both. Lienholders reserve the right to bid at the sale.
Bryson J. Hunter, Peter M. Pearl and Risa S. Katz-Albert, Substitute Trustees
For Information Contact:
Bryson J. Hunter
Spilman Thomas & Battle, PLLC
P.O. Box 90
Roanoke, Virginia 24002
540-512-1800 Telephone

1408 Ramsgate Lane, Lynchburg, VA
1408 Ramsgate Lane
1408 Ramsgate Lane, Lynchburg, Virginia 24501
In execution of a credit line deed of trust dated July 11, 2018 (the “Deed of Trust”), recorded in the Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Lynchburg, Virginia, as Instrument No. 180004374, the undersigned Substitute Trustees, any or all of whom may act, will offer for sale at Lynchburg City Courthouse, 900 Court Street, Lynchburg, Virginia 24504, on March 2, 2021, at 10:00 o’clock a.m., properties located at or near 8108 Timberlake Road, #137, 2602 Confederate Avenue, 1200 Wards Ferry Road, and 1408 Ramsgate Lane, Lynchburg, Virginia, which properties are more particularly described as follows:
PARCEL SIX: 221-02-025 (1408 Ramsgate Lane)
All that certain tract or parcel of land, lying and being situate in that portion of the City of Lynchburg, Virginia, annexed from Bedford County, on January 1, 1976, designated as Lot 57, Block H, Section 12, on a plat of survey entitled, "Plat Showing Section 12, Blue Ridge Farms, Bedford County, Virginia", made by Erskine W. Proffitt, CLS, dated Auust 31, 1972, which said plat has been duly recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for the County of Bedford, Virginia, in Plat Book 15, at pages 20 and 21. And more particularly described upon a plat entitled "Property Survey of Lot 57, Block H, Section 121, Blue Ridge Farms, City of Lynchburg, Virginia", dated March 17, 1994, made by James C. May and Associates, PC, Engineers-Surveyors-Planners, which said plat is of record in the aforesaid Clerk's Office in Deed Book 888, at page 722, to which deed reference is here made for a further and more particular description of the property herein conveyed.
This sale is subject to all liens, easements, restrictions, conditions, and reservations of record affecting the title to the property hereinabove described, to the extent any of them have priority over the lien of the Deed of Trust.
1. AUCTION: Substitute Trustee has employed an auction company. The successful bidder will be required to execute a Memorandum of Trustee’s Sale outlining additional terms of sale and settlement that will be available for review prior to the announcement of sale. Settlement within thirty (30) days of sale.
2. DEPOSIT: A bidder’s deposit of ten percent (10%) of the successful bid in certified funds (cashier's or certified check) required.
3. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Announcements made on day of sale take precedence over all prior communications, both verbal and written, concerning the sale or the property.
4. BUYER’S PREMIUM: A 10% buyer’s premium will be in effect on day of sale that is added to the high bid amount to determine the contract sales price.
5. “AS-IS”, “WHERE-IS”: The property is being sold “AS-IS”, “WHERE-IS”. Potential buyers must perform such independent investigations with respect to the property as they deem necessary.
6. ADVERTISEMENTS: All information provided by auction company and Substitute Trustee is deemed reliable but is not warranted. Information contained in the brochure and any advertisements by auction company are subject to verification by all parties relying on it. No liability for its accuracy, error or omission is assumed by auction company or Substitute Trustee.
7. REPRESENTATION: Auction company and its representatives represent the party foreclosing on the property.
8. BID INCREMENTS: Auction company reserves the right to set bid increments and to establish the bid sequences for the order of the sale and/or to change both. Lienholders reserve the right to bid at the sale.
Bryson J. Hunter, Peter M. Pearl and Risa S. Katz-Albert, Substitute Trustees
For Information Contact:
Bryson J. Hunter
Spilman Thomas & Battle, PLLC
P.O. Box 90
Roanoke, Virginia 24002
540-512-1800 Telephone

2602 Confederate Ave., Lynchburg, VA
2602 Confederate Ave.
2602 Confederate Avenue, Lynchburg, Virginia 24501
In execution of a credit line deed of trust dated July 11, 2018 (the “Deed of Trust”), recorded in the Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Lynchburg, Virginia, as Instrument No. 180004374, the undersigned Substitute Trustees, any or all of whom may act, will offer for sale at Lynchburg City Courthouse, 900 Court Street, Lynchburg, Virginia 24504, on March 2, 2021, at 10:00 o’clock a.m., properties located at or near 8108 Timberlake Road, #137, 2602 Confederate Avenue, 1200 Wards Ferry Road, and 1408 Ramsgate Lane, Lynchburg, Virginia, which properties are more particularly described as follows:
PARCEL THREE: 166-10-005 (2602 Confederate Avenue)
All that certain lot or parcel of land in that part of the City of Lynchburg, Virginia, which was annexed from Campbell County, Virginia, on January 1, 1958, designated as Lot No. Four (4), in Block C, as shown on that certain map entitled "Map of Subdivision of 'Barksdale Place' Brookville District, Campbell County, Virginia," made by Edley Craighill, CE, dated June 1939, and of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Campbell County, Virginia, in Plat Book 6, at page 66.
This sale is subject to all liens, easements, restrictions, conditions, and reservations of record affecting the title to the property hereinabove described, to the extent any of them have priority over the lien of the Deed of Trust.
1. AUCTION: Substitute Trustee has employed an auction company. The successful bidder will be required to execute a Memorandum of Trustee’s Sale outlining additional terms of sale and settlement that will be available for review prior to the announcement of sale. Settlement within thirty (30) days of sale.
2. DEPOSIT: A bidder’s deposit of ten percent (10%) of the successful bid in certified funds (cashier's or certified check) required.
3. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Announcements made on day of sale take precedence over all prior communications, both verbal and written, concerning the sale or the property.
4. BUYER’S PREMIUM: A 10% buyer’s premium will be in effect on day of sale that is added to the high bid amount to determine the contract sales price.
5. “AS-IS”, “WHERE-IS”: The property is being sold “AS-IS”, “WHERE-IS”. Potential buyers must perform such independent investigations with respect to the property as they deem necessary.
6. ADVERTISEMENTS: All information provided by auction company and Substitute Trustee is deemed reliable but is not warranted. Information contained in the brochure and any advertisements by auction company are subject to verification by all parties relying on it. No liability for its accuracy, error or omission is assumed by auction company or Substitute Trustee.
7. REPRESENTATION: Auction company and its representatives represent the party foreclosing on the property.
8. BID INCREMENTS: Auction company reserves the right to set bid increments and to establish the bid sequences for the order of the sale and/or to change both. Lienholders reserve the right to bid at the sale.
Bryson J. Hunter, Peter M. Pearl and Risa S. Katz-Albert, Substitute Trustees
For Information Contact:
Bryson J. Hunter
Spilman Thomas & Battle, PLLC
P.O. Box 90
Roanoke, Virginia 24002
540-512-1800 Telephone

8108 Timberlake Rd. #137, Lynchburg, VA
8108 Timberlake Rd. #137
8108 Timberlake Road, #137, Lynchburg, Virginia 24502
In execution of a credit line deed of trust dated July 11, 2018 (the “Deed of Trust”), recorded in the Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Lynchburg, Virginia, as Instrument No. 180004374, the undersigned Substitute Trustees, any or all of whom may act, will offer for sale at Lynchburg City Courthouse, 900 Court Street, Lynchburg, Virginia 24504, on March 2, 2021, at 10:00 o’clock a.m., properties located at or near 8108 Timberlake Road, #137, 2602 Confederate Avenue, 1200 Wards Ferry Road, and 1408 Ramsgate Lane, Lynchburg, Virginia, which properties are more particularly described as follows:
PARCEL ONE: 254-17-048 (8108 Timberlake Road, #137)
That certain lot or parcel of ground, belonging, situate, lying and being in the City of Lynchburg designated as Lot 48, Section 1, Golden Pond, containing 0.0275 acres (erroneously referred to in a Deed dated March 29, 2001 as 0.275 acres) as shown on a plat entitled, "Resurvey of Lot 48, Section 1, Golden Pond, City of Lynchburg, Virginia", dated May 2, 1995, made by James C. May, Jr., CLS, and recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for the City of Lynchburg, Virginia, in Deed Book 924, at page 687.
This sale is subject to all liens, easements, restrictions, conditions, and reservations of record affecting the title to the property hereinabove described, to the extent any of them have priority over the lien of the Deed of Trust.
1. AUCTION: Substitute Trustee has employed an auction company. The successful bidder will be required to execute a Memorandum of Trustee’s Sale outlining additional terms of sale and settlement that will be available for review prior to the announcement of sale. Settlement within thirty (30) days of sale.
2. DEPOSIT: A bidder’s deposit of ten percent (10%) of the successful bid in certified funds (cashier's or certified check) required.
3. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Announcements made on day of sale take precedence over all prior communications, both verbal and written, concerning the sale or the property.
4. BUYER’S PREMIUM: A 10% buyer’s premium will be in effect on day of sale that is added to the high bid amount to determine the contract sales price.
5. “AS-IS”, “WHERE-IS”: The property is being sold “AS-IS”, “WHERE-IS”. Potential buyers must perform such independent investigations with respect to the property as they deem necessary.
6. ADVERTISEMENTS: All information provided by auction company and Substitute Trustee is deemed reliable but is not warranted. Information contained in the brochure and any advertisements by auction company are subject to verification by all parties relying on it. No liability for its accuracy, error or omission is assumed by auction company or Substitute Trustee.
7. REPRESENTATION: Auction company and its representatives represent the party foreclosing on the property.
8. BID INCREMENTS: Auction company reserves the right to set bid increments and to establish the bid sequences for the order of the sale and/or to change both. Lienholders reserve the right to bid at the sale.
Bryson J. Hunter, Peter M. Pearl and Risa S. Katz-Albert, Substitute Trustees
For Information Contact:
Bryson J. Hunter
Spilman Thomas & Battle, PLLC
P.O. Box 90
Roanoke, Virginia 24002
540-512-1800 Telephone

Single Wide on 3.67 Acres - Winston Salem, NC
Single Wide on 3.67 Acres
Single Wide sells AS IS
Condition Unknown
Needs Repairs & Remodeling
Pin # 5879-97-8062, Forsyth County, NC
Deed Book 002445, Page 00709
Preview by appointment only